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Elephant Care & Wildlife Rescue in Thailand

Einsatzort: Thailand, Asien
Aktions-Bereich: Tierpflege & Veterinärprojekte, Natur-und Umweltschutz
Care for Asian elephants rescued from a harsh working life. Work with rescued monkeys, bears as well as many other exotic animals. Help the centre to protect endangered wildlife and educate on conservation issues. Live on site at a tropical wildlife centre based on temple grounds.

Projekt und Rolle der Freiwilligen

Volunteer role at the project:

Elephant Care
Volunteers work alongside local staff to care for around 15-20 rescued Asian elephants. Each day will differ but elephant care volunteer tasks may include:

  • Feeding and giving water to the elephants
  • Help with the cleaning of the enclosures
  • Hosing down and cleaning the elephants
  • Harvesting and collecting food from local farms - pineapples, bananas etc.
  • Creating enrichments for the elephants

You may also be involved in other activities around the centre such as maintenance of enclosures.

Wildlife Rescue
Each day will differ but general wildlife rescue volunteer tasks may include:

  • Feeding the animals
  • Providing water for the animals
  • Assisting with cleaning the enclosures
  • Creating enrichments for the animals

The Elephant Care and Wildlife Rescue projects can be combined.

How the project is making a difference:

The centre that we work with in Thailand operates as a sanctuary for abused, neglected or injured animals.

The centre also gives refuge to domesticated elephants that have been used in industry and many of the elephants arrive with severe health problems and bear the scars of previous abuse. The centres aim is to provide a refuge that is as close to nature as possible.

Educational tours are often organised for young school children at the centre as the project believe that the education of the next generation is critical to conservation in Thailand. The management team actively campaign for better animal treatment in Thailand including issues such as the illegal pet trade, poaching and the use of animals within the tourist industry.

Why volunteers are needed:

Whilst each elephant is cared for by a dedicated mahout and the centre employs full time local staff for the other animals, they are in need of assistance with their tasks. The local staff are often over-stretched with daily care tasks and so the extra man-power from volunteers allow them to focus on long term plans. Additionally volunteers can offer contribute creatively and help to design enrichments for the elephants.

Die Freiwilligen-Organisation stellt sich vor

We are an award winning non-profit organisation arranging ethical, inspiring and supported volunteering opportunities around the world since 2001. Volunteers are needed from 1- 12 weeks for animal, conservation, child care, education, teaching, building and community volunteering projects around the world.
So wählen wir die Organisationen auf unserem Portal aus.


Thailand, Asien
Tierpflege & Veterinärprojekte,Natur-und Umweltschutz
Minimum: 2 Wochen
Maximum: 3 Monate
(für vollständige Preisliste die Organisation kontaktieren)
2 Wochen: 1040 €
4 Wochen/1 Monat: 1400 €
8 Wochen/2 Monate: 2120 €
3 Monate: 2840 €
Warum für Freiwilligenarbeit Geld bezahlen?
* Alle Preisangaben ohne Gewähr nach Angaben der Freiwilligen-Organisation. Bei Organisationen, die nicht in Euro abrechnen, können Wechselkurs-Schwankungen auftreten.
Verfügbarkeit des Projekts:
Jederzeit möglich
18 Jahre
kein Höchstalter
Individuell oder Gruppe?
Volunteers must be confident communicating in English
Besondere Qualifikationen:
nicht erforderlich
Unterbringung & Verpflegung:
Volunteers live in basic shared rooms on site at the centre, bathrooms are shared with cold water showers and western bucket-flush toilets.All main meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner) are included.

Kostenlos mehr Informationen anfordern

  • Sofort eine E-Mail mit der Website und der Telefonnummer der durchführenden Freiwilligen-Organisation
  • Gratis unseren Ratgeber mit ausgefüllter Check-Liste
  • Einen Sprachführer als Dankeschön, wenn du dich später anmeldest
First name
Last name
Phone number / Whatsapp / SMS
Zip code / City
Questions and motivations
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Wenn du jetzt mehr Infos anforderst, bekommt du außerdem kostenlos unseren 20-seitigen Ratgeber "So wählen Sie die richtige Freiwilligen-Organisation aus" im PDF-Format. Die Check-Liste für dieses Projekt haben wir darin bereits für rund 30 Qualitäts-Kriterien ausgefüllt. Das spart im Durchschnitt 60 Minuten Eigenrecherche. Und hilft entscheidend bei der Wahl des richtigen Freiwilligen-Projektes.